
Movie Review: Chef, The Circle - The True Meaning of Success

Comparing Characteristics of Characters from: Chef, The Circle

     When we talk about a “successful” person, we are typically talking about someone who has got billions in their bank account, someone who has stared in multiple blockbusters, or maybe someone who has power over an entire nation. With a social value that most of the people share in the 21st century, it seems like the word “success” equates with wealth, fame and power. However, after analyzing the characteristics of some of the characters in My Name is Khan, Chef, La La Land and The Circle, I begin to realize that what makes a successful person feel accomplished is not necessarily those achievements. Instead, the meaning of success truly depends on what kind of life you want to live, and often this includes a life of happiness and fulfillment.
     Nowadays, people are surrounded by a materialistic culture. We often find happiness with a specific title or object, such as buying a luxury limited edition watch and a latest iPhone. Therefore, people start to associate success with materialistic possessions. However, the truth is that if the meaning of a successful life is defined by wealth, fame and power, the happiness that it brings is not going to last long. The limited edition watch and the newest iPhone will soon be replaced by a more advanced and a more expensive one. Take Eamon Bailey from The Circle for example, he, a man with wealth, power and fame, is the representation of “successful” people in the movie. As the CEO of the world’s biggest technology company, Eamon seems to have everything that people in the society have been trying to pursue for their whole life. However, besides the happiness that he receives from material things, is he living a life with happiness and love? I doubt. By the end of the movie, it’s obvious that in order to achieve the position that Eamon has now, he certainly paid the price for his success. He has to give up a lot of things that most of individual commonly have. One of them is his conscience. As a result, I suggest that Eamon is living a life of ephemeral happiness which is not consider to be something that a successful person should have.
     Richard Branson once said, ”True success should be measured by how happy you are.” The real meaning of success is defined by personal happiness. It is the happiness that individual gets from not only materialistic possessions but also from family, work etc. Just like what Molly said to Carl Casper in Chef, “You are never going to be happy, cooking for someone else.” It is only when Carl forgets about the reviews and cooks the kind of food he likes that he starts to enjoy cooking and becomes the kind of person who considers to be success. It is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it that makes you a successful person.




這一陣子常常被問到:「如果要熟悉澳洲人講話的口音還有速度,要怎麼訓練呢?」曾經也被這個問題困擾多時的我,得出的最好的方式便是“聽、再聽、還是聽“!一個語言的熟悉,是需要時間去消化的,就像大部分臺灣人因為從小受到美式文化的影響,對美式發音異常收悉,而澳式發音也是如此,只要不斷接觸,相信不久便能克服澳式發音的障礙! 而要在哪裡才能聽到澳洲腔呢?以下分享幾個自己當時非常喜歡的電視節目、網站、 Youtube 頻道,希望能幫助大家在練習熟悉澳式發音的過程不那麼枯燥! MasterChef Australia Image by [ DNA India ] 相信大家對 MasterChef 都不陌生,它可以說是現今數一數二的素人廚藝實境節目,在多個國家皆有 ( 澳洲版、英國版、美國版、亞洲版 ) ,而澳洲當然也不例外。節目中,因為大多數的參賽者與評審皆為澳洲人,因此除了認識澳洲口音,也可同時學習澳式俚語、文化,像是澳洲最有名的早餐抹醬 Vegemite 、澳洲傳統糕點 Lamington 皆可在節目中看見,絕對可以達到在娛樂中學習的目的! Lamington 是非常具代表性的澳洲糕點,想試試看的話,在各大超市都有販售 Image by [ Where Is My Spoon ] 在某一集的 MasterChef 中,就有把澳洲傳統的  Lamington  蛋糕做改良,呈現全新樣貌 圖中長方體的物體就是改良後的  Lamington   Image by [ Ten Play ] 12 圖中右邊那瓶黃黃的東西就是 Vegemite ,跟奶油一起塗在麵包上就成了最道地的澳式早餐 Image by [ Broadsheet ] Leftovers Leftovers 是一個專門拍搞笑短劇的 Youtube 頻道,短劇內容常常跟澳洲的生活、文化有關,像是討論墨爾本各個大學的名

澳洲超市必買 - 當地嚐鮮篇

去到一個新的國家,逛逛超市是個感受當地風情的好方法,以下推薦幾個到澳洲超市必吃的東西,也是我交換那年每次去超市都會想補貨的東西,提供給大家參考,希望也和你們的口味! 1. Meat Pie 牛肉派 Meat Pie 是澳洲非常傳統的小吃,被視為當地特色食物之一,是到澳洲旅遊必定要嚐嚐看的美食,除了可以在當地咖啡廳、麵包店吃到熱呼呼現做的牛肉派外,超市裡也有販賣冷凍版的,只要用烤箱熱一下即可食用,有很多選擇,除了不同的口味外,也有許多不同的品牌,很推薦住在青年旅館或有小廚房的飯店類型的旅客買來試試看!沒有特別推薦買哪個品牌或口味,基本上都滿好吃的,可以從有打折的開始下手,多試試幾種也不錯。如果還是不知道要買哪個,以下有兩個品牌是我印象中有吃過的,個人覺得味道都很不錯,提供你們參考看看! Herbert Adams 的 Chunky Beef & Mushroom 蘑菇牛肉塊口味 Four N Twenty 的 Classic Meat Pies 經典牛肉口味 Meat Pie Image by [ Canes Bar & Grill ] 2. Avocado 酪梨 我本身在台灣的時候就很愛吃台灣的酪梨,一到澳洲,遇上澳洲本地產的酪梨完全沒有招架之力,尤其是 Hass Avocado 這個品種,它是是世界上最普遍也最受歡迎的酪梨品種,跟台灣的酪梨吃起來很不一樣,外觀上除了比較小顆外,皮的顏色也較黑,味道更加濃郁,有濃濃的奶香味,口感也比較細緻,很滑順帶有一點油質的感覺,很適合直接當水果吃或夾在麵包裡。雖然價格稍貴,一小顆大約要台幣 50 元,但非常值得一試,就算是以前不喜歡酪梨的人也可能一吃就愛上! Woolworths超市 酪梨廣告文宣 Image by [ Woolworths ] 第一次買在超市買酪梨 自製酪梨漢堡 把酪梨切碎,抹在麵包上,加上荷包蛋和培根,雖然畫面不是太好看,但是絕對美味! 自製酪梨早餐 常常可以在澳洲的咖啡廳看到這類餐點,主要是各種水果加上優格、麥片、muesli,很適合夏天的早上吃 3. 牛奶 澳洲的牛奶真的非常好喝!沒有一分誇大,幾乎在澳洲交換的每一天,都會喝上一杯

La Trobe University 澳洲拉特博大學交換學生經驗分享

大家好,在正式開始介紹之前,先跟大家做個非常簡短的自我介紹:我是 Yvonne ,於 2016 年 7 月時至澳洲拉特博大學交換,以下內容將針對學校地理位置、生活機能、課程做簡短的介紹,皆為自身經驗分享,如有任何相關問題,歡迎以下留言! 校園入口的大招牌 !  很適合拍照留念,是去 La Trobe 交換必做清單中的其中一項 ! 豎立在進入校園前的馬路上,告知經過的人 :  你已進入 La Trobe 的校園內了 !   ( 澳洲大部分的大學沒有明確的邊界,常常不知不覺就走進了一個學校 ) 學校簡介 La Trobe University  澳洲拉特博大學,位於墨爾本東北邊一個叫 Bundoora 的小鎮,搭乘大眾運輸工具,距離市區大約一個半小時的車程(開車則約為四十分鐘)。學校腹地相當的廣( 校園地圖 ),約有 190 公頃,雖然和市區有點距離,但生活機能卻是相當便利,校園裡除了各個學院的教學大樓外,當然少不了各式的咖啡廳、餐廳,從澳洲當地最具特色的 meat pie, 到總能讓我一解鄉愁的中式料理 ( 一餐大約  AU$7-10) 皆可在校園內發現,至於大型連鎖超市和亞洲超市也在步行 10 到 15 分鐘可以抵達的距離。 La Trobe  校園空照圖 Image by [ La Trobe University ]  Bake N Bean      位在Agora  ( 校園中心的大廣場,是圖書館、各式餐廳的聚集地,也是校園中人潮最多、最熱鬧的地方 ) ,販售各式各樣的麵包 、糕點、咖啡,當然也有值得一試的澳式  Meat Pie  和 Nutella Doughnut ,是校園中非常受到學生歡迎的咖啡廳! Image by [ La Trobe University ] Bake N Bean  的  Meat Pie   Bake N Bean  的  Jam Doughnut,內餡是草莓果醬