

目前顯示的是 10月, 2018的文章

Jeremy Lin: A Legend of Our Era

What caused the Linsanity whirlwind which became a controversial topic after Jeremy Lin scored 38 points against the Los Angeles Lakers and carried the Knicks to their four straight victories on February 10 th , 2012? Someone, like Floyd Mayweather Jr., believed it is Lin’s ethnic background that led to the hype. However, as time has gone by, Jeremy Lin has proved that it is his perseverance that captures people’s attention and makes him stand out from the crowd. Jeremy Lin was never an overnight sensation. The jaw-dropping performance of Lin playing against an all-time great like Kobe Bryant was the result of hard work and more than 10 years dedication. Ever since he discovered his love for basketball at the age of five, Lin has strived to live out his dream of becoming an NBA player. A never give up attitude and a constant improvement in basketball skills best describe Lin’s bumpy journey to achieve success. He refused to be defeated by setbacks and frustration as he


這一陣子常常被問到:「如果要熟悉澳洲人講話的口音還有速度,要怎麼訓練呢?」曾經也被這個問題困擾多時的我,得出的最好的方式便是“聽、再聽、還是聽“!一個語言的熟悉,是需要時間去消化的,就像大部分臺灣人因為從小受到美式文化的影響,對美式發音異常收悉,而澳式發音也是如此,只要不斷接觸,相信不久便能克服澳式發音的障礙! 而要在哪裡才能聽到澳洲腔呢?以下分享幾個自己當時非常喜歡的電視節目、網站、 Youtube 頻道,希望能幫助大家在練習熟悉澳式發音的過程不那麼枯燥! MasterChef Australia Image by [ DNA India ] 相信大家對 MasterChef 都不陌生,它可以說是現今數一數二的素人廚藝實境節目,在多個國家皆有 ( 澳洲版、英國版、美國版、亞洲版 ) ,而澳洲當然也不例外。節目中,因為大多數的參賽者與評審皆為澳洲人,因此除了認識澳洲口音,也可同時學習澳式俚語、文化,像是澳洲最有名的早餐抹醬 Vegemite 、澳洲傳統糕點 Lamington 皆可在節目中看見,絕對可以達到在娛樂中學習的目的! Lamington 是非常具代表性的澳洲糕點,想試試看的話,在各大超市都有販售 Image by [ Where Is My Spoon ] 在某一集的 MasterChef 中,就有把澳洲傳統的  Lamington  蛋糕做改良,呈現全新樣貌 圖中長方體的物體就是改良後的  Lamington   Image by [ Ten Play ] 12 圖中右邊那瓶黃黃的東西就是 Vegemite ,跟奶油一起塗在麵包上就成了最道地的澳式早餐 Image by [ Broadsheet ] Leftovers Leftovers 是一個專門拍搞笑短劇的 Youtube 頻道,短劇內容常常跟澳洲的生活、文化有關,像是討論墨爾本各個大學的名