

目前顯示的是 9月, 2018的文章

Google Earth: A Mind Blowing Invention

Looking back to the time when I first got to know  Google Earth . With a desire to explore the planet, I set out on a global journey by rotating a 3D virtual globe to view high-resolution satellite images. It was mind-blowing as I realized how Google Earth allows users to move across the geographical boundaries between different regions of the world with a swipe of their fingers on the screen. In 2016, Google Earth has exceeded my expectation again with a story of a five-year-old boy who found his way home by searching through Google Earth for three years. With an insight into the functions of Google Earth used while searching for his lost family, I came to the realization that Google Earth is not just a geographical information program. Instead, it is an invention that could change the world. A LONG WAY HOME WITH GOOGLE EARTH In 1986, five-year-old  Saroo Brierley  woke up on a moving train after getting lost with his brother in a train station in India. Not knowing th

La Trobe University 澳洲拉特博大學交換學生經驗分享

大家好,在正式開始介紹之前,先跟大家做個非常簡短的自我介紹:我是 Yvonne ,於 2016 年 7 月時至澳洲拉特博大學交換,以下內容將針對學校地理位置、生活機能、課程做簡短的介紹,皆為自身經驗分享,如有任何相關問題,歡迎以下留言! 校園入口的大招牌 !  很適合拍照留念,是去 La Trobe 交換必做清單中的其中一項 ! 豎立在進入校園前的馬路上,告知經過的人 :  你已進入 La Trobe 的校園內了 !   ( 澳洲大部分的大學沒有明確的邊界,常常不知不覺就走進了一個學校 ) 學校簡介 La Trobe University  澳洲拉特博大學,位於墨爾本東北邊一個叫 Bundoora 的小鎮,搭乘大眾運輸工具,距離市區大約一個半小時的車程(開車則約為四十分鐘)。學校腹地相當的廣( 校園地圖 ),約有 190 公頃,雖然和市區有點距離,但生活機能卻是相當便利,校園裡除了各個學院的教學大樓外,當然少不了各式的咖啡廳、餐廳,從澳洲當地最具特色的 meat pie, 到總能讓我一解鄉愁的中式料理 ( 一餐大約  AU$7-10) 皆可在校園內發現,至於大型連鎖超市和亞洲超市也在步行 10 到 15 分鐘可以抵達的距離。 La Trobe  校園空照圖 Image by [ La Trobe University ]  Bake N Bean      位在Agora  ( 校園中心的大廣場,是圖書館、各式餐廳的聚集地,也是校園中人潮最多、最熱鬧的地方 ) ,販售各式各樣的麵包 、糕點、咖啡,當然也有值得一試的澳式  Meat Pie  和 Nutella Doughnut ,是校園中非常受到學生歡迎的咖啡廳! Image by [ La Trobe University ] Bake N Bean  的  Meat Pie   Bake N Bean  的  Jam Doughnut,內餡是草莓果醬